Advancing the Global Goals
As a major player in the Philippine energy industry, we are uniquely positioned to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. However, through our other business and initiatives, we also promote and support up to 10 other SDGs.
Explore how we are powering the good life towards the Global Goals below.

Meralco supports the Sustainable Development Goals

From 2019 to 2021, decrease in our average retail rate by 8%, 6%, and 10% for residential, commercial, and industrial customers, respectively
Made affordable energy more accessible through a system loss lower than the Energy Regulatory Commission's (ERC) cap, translating to nearly PhP3.6B in customer savings
Powered 23,742 new households in low-income communities through the Meralco Electrification Program
Reduced power interruptions per customer from 163.00 minutes in 2020 to 138.77 minutes in 2021
Committed to secure 1,500 MW in renewable energy PSAs through 2025
Aims to build up to 1,500 MW of utility-scale renewable energy plants through 2027
Launched BulacanSol in 2021, a 55-MW solar farm in San Miguel, Bulacan
Energized thousands of private, educational, and government institutions, totaling 14 MWp in capacity
Constructed microgrids in Isla Verde and Cagbalete Island to power both islands with solar PVs and battery energy storage system (BESS)

Reduced our own electricity consumption by 3.0% in 2021 through our Resource Conservation and Efficiency Program
Diverted 85% of our total generated waste away from landfills and oceans through the Race to Zero Waste Program
Shifted from mineral to natural ester oil (99% biodegradable and recyclable) for all our distribution transformers
Launched #HealthWithoutHarm to facilitate the safe and responsible management of COVID-19 waste

Developed a GHG Protocol-aligned emissions inventory system to help monitor GHG Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and intensity
Deployed a total of 128 electric vehicles—comprising of cars, motorcycles, pick-up trucks, and vans—to our various Business Centers (BCs) and Sectors Offices in Metro Manila
Target to electrify at least 25% of our entire vehicle fleet by 2030
Conducts preemptive activities and storm-hardening measures to avoid service interruptions during the annual typhoon season
Quickly restores power services in places battered by typhoons and super typhoons, within and outside our franchise area

Electrified 7,509 homes in 2021 through One Meralco Foundation's Household Electrification Program

One Meralco Foundation’s (OMF) School Electrification Program spent PhP6.2M bringing electricity and digital learning tools to 16 off-grid public schools in 2021

In 2021, achieved almost 23% women representation—more than twice the 11% global energy sector average
Became a pioneer signatory of the United Nations' Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), fortifying our commitment to promote a gender-diverse and inclusive workplace
Relaunched Linewomen 2.0 Program under the Meralco Linecrew Training Program (MLTP) to develop a pool of skilled female line workers who will join and even lead linecrews
Established the Yes You Can! (YYC) Program, a coaching and mentoring initiative led by our female executives, to help women managers and supervisors unlock their full potential as leaders

Generated economic value of PhP322B, 91% of which were distributed to our shareholders, suppliers, employees, the government, and communities
Clocked in a total of 13M safe person-hours and provided a total of 35,280 OSH training hours in 2021
Launched CODE Light Bot, an online tool to monitor our employees' daily health status and work arrangements
Set up our own air quality monitoring system within our Ortigas headquarters to help safeguard the health of our employees
Employed a holistic approach in ensuring the overall well-being of our employees through free, virtual access to exercise sessions and in-house counsellors and medical experts under the Orange Fit Program

Enhanced our digital Customer Care Group for more responsive and customer-centric contact center operations
Shifted to the shorter 10-digit reference number, the Customer Account Number (CAN), to simplify and streamline bills payments
Revamped electricity bill to inform customers of the equivalent carbon emissions of their monthly electricity use
Rolled out Live Chat and Chatbot Beyond Outage to offer intuitive, convenient, and real-time assistance
Our subsidiary, Bayad launched Bayad Online and Bayad App to promote financial inclusion and enable Filipinos to make payments conveniently

eSakay offers and integrates a wide range of EV solutions—from electric cars, vans, buses, jeeps, and shuttles to micro-mobility units such as electric motorbikes and kick scooters
eSakay continues to support the Department of Transportation’s Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program, which aims to promote cleaner public transport options and provide stable livelihood to thousands of public utility drivers and operators across the country.

One Meralco Foundation empowered local communities with agroforestry livelihood through the One for Trees (OFT) initiative, planting 1,620,724 seedlings—equivalent to offsetting almost 35,300 tCO2e of emissions—since the program's inception in 2019

Launched the Meralco Supplier Sustainability Scorecard (MS3) as part of our suppliers’ continuing accreditation process. MS3 includes economic, environmental, and social criteria patterned after the GRI Standards